Chic can be Cheap!

who cares what price tag it had? Designer and divine vintage can be found within local thrift's called treasure hunting!

Monday, January 23, 2012

How I became the self-titled, "queen of thrifting"

"duchess of vintage" Kodi Lynn

In high school I had an obsession with little league jerseys. Pee-wee football, T-ball, soccer. The names and colors were cute & they fit so deliciously. But, seeing that I wasn't at all athletic, nor a little leaguer, the only place to find these was thrift stores and yard sales. My first tee, a blue Mavericks t-ball tee, was lent to me by a friend after I was thrown into a pool at a certain raucous party. From then, totally hooked. I wasn't into spending 20 bucks on a "designer tee"...designer what?? I preferred over-sized headed animals to a tiny man atop a tiny horse. I have since outgrown these types of tees, heck I have kids old enough to participate in these sports, so yeah, kinda over it. But over thrifting?, finding that treasure buried among the racks?, and saving a good penny?, I am not! The thrill of the hunt has not faded. I stop at every yard sale, I dig through boxes, crates, bins. The best are those yard sales that seem to have popped up out of nowhere on the side of the road...I love those! A goose-neck trailer turned clothing display. I have found superb vintage purses among power tools and tackle. There has also been a recent rash of thrift stores in town...that's a rash I can't complain about. There are now 4 thrift/consignment stores in my town of 4,000. The next town over offers even more. With spring coming, (well weather wise it feels as if it's already here), I look forward to yard sale weekends. And the ever so awesome Rosanky City-Wide Yard sale. This thing is out in the middle of nowhere, behind Owl's Western Wear & the Wagon-Wheel gas station (that is decorated like a honky-tonk bar), which is right across the street form an actual honky-tonk bar. I'll document this event when it comes. It's twice a year and such a highlight of the town of less than like, 500. So, I have been dubbed "queen of thrifting" 'round here. Because I find that hidden gem, sometimes gems, and seem to have a knack for fashioning it well? So I'm told. Vintage fashion and collecting of vintage relics is something that is just in my DNA. I've been doing it for years, most of the times because I can't afford brand new clothes, so a thrifting I do go. I feel I find better bargains at thrift stores & yard sales. I mean, I've acquired a 3 Wilardy Lucite handbags for $5 each!! Older things that were made when quality was key, isn't so bad either. I also feel it's great for the environment, hello? recycling? So for these reasons I reign, (at least in my own mind & demographic area), "queen of thrifting". I even have an heir to my throne, my 7 year old "duchess of vintage".

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Life is full of wonderful firsts. First days of school, first bicycle, first kiss, first love, first dance....
Today is one of my firsts..first blog post!! Something I wanted to be a part of for a while. I love to talk, I love to share my passion for fashion, vintage, and life in general. This picture is my first upcycled creation. Another passion of mine. Taking vintage elements and repurposing them into new jewelry. Giving life to those otherwise discarded. Everything has it's purpose...even a broken something...especially a broken something.

So...what's your favorite/most memorable first?